Legal Question in Traffic Law in Ohio

Traffic ticket probation - Ohio

My son passed a school bus with the lights flashing. Got a ticket. Required to go to court and got a fine and 1 year probation. They told him that if he gets a ticket in the next year, he goes to jail for 30 days. Is this possible? Also, is this for any ticket or only if he gets a ticket for passing a school bus again because the paperwork says it applies to ''a similar offense''? Thank you.

Asked on 10/24/07, 1:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Traffic ticket probation - Ohio

Yes, this is possible. Judges take offenses relating to schools and children very seriously, even if it was something as seemingly minor as illegally passing a school bus. If your son violates the probation, he will likely have to serve the time.

Most probation talks about "the same or similar offense." What that means exactly is up the judge in this case. Not knowing the judge, I cannot say for sure what he or she will consider a violation. However, if your son has any offenses such as illegal passing or something relating to school buses, zones, or children, the judge may find him in violation of his probation.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 10/25/07, 1:54 pm

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