Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Ohio
help translating??
Can some one please translate this?
Does it mean the state wants the money or is going to let heirs have it....the State is charged, both at common law and by the states charitable trust act, with the enforcement of gifts and charitable puposes in order that charitable beneficiaries be protected and preserved. the State is a necessary party to any action the object of which is to terminate a charitable trust. the State admits the averments in Paragraphs 1 2 & 3
Paragraph 4 the state admits the Executor is uncertain how to construe the quoted will provision. The State believes the proper construction of the term ''State of Ohio'' in the will may be that the testator intended it to mean ''escheat'' in which case the state has no interest in the outcome. The State is without knowledge or information to form a belief as to the averments of paragraph 4 & 5 and denies same. Wherefore Defendant State of Ohio re Att General prays that this court order such relief as will best protect the charitable interests involved and for such furthur relief is just and equitable.
Thank You
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: help translating??
It means the party who is filing this motion is asking the court that the money that has been bequeathed to the charity be allowed to go to the charity instead of the family.