Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Ohio
After a church member started taking care of my aunt her will was changed. how do I contest this?
She called and said she would be sending a letter she wants me to sign not to contest the will.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: wills
Do not sign anything. You will have about 3 months to file a Will contest if you wish to do so. After 3 months, you are barred from contesting the Will. If you know that your aunt was not of sound mind at the time that new Will was made, you should definitely contest it. Also, if you have a copy of the prior Will and know that you are a beneficiary of that prior Will, you should contest the new Will. Many attorneys, including myself, will accept this case on a contingency fee basis, which means the attorney gets paid only if we collect.
Harold L. Hom
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