Legal Question in Criminal Law in Oklahoma

2nd degree rape

A close friend has been charged with 3 counts of 2nd deg rape. the girl is 15, he is 36. she originally said they werent intimate then changed her story to it was consensual even though she legally cant give consent. he is scared to death for himself and his two children. no rape kit or dna sample involved. what is the likely sentence if convicted and will he have to register as a sex offender. he has never had anything like this before and has not been in serious or repeated trouble.

Asked on 4/15/09, 2:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jay Ramey Jay K. Ramey, Attorney at Law

Re: 2nd degree rape

No one can predict what a likely sentence is. If I, or any attorney, could predict what a jury of 12 people is going to do, we would retire from the practice of law and go to Las Vegas and become rich.

The penalty for 2nd Degree Rape is 1 to 15. Therefore, if convicted, the jury will have to assess from 1 to 15 years on each count.

A conviction of 2nd Degree Rape requires sex offender registration.

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Answered on 4/15/09, 4:11 pm

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