Legal Question in Criminal Law in Oklahoma
Selling beer to minor
I was charged with ''selling alcohol to minor'' at a gas station. My photograph was taken but i was neither fingerprinted nor arrested. Later on I was asked to appear on a certain date but before that one of my representative went to the DA (District Atorney) and the DA dismissed the case. But I had to pay the fine of 269 dollars. I did not plead guilty also. I did not appear before the court or judge. After paying the fine, I got a receipt from the court which had a check mark on ''dismiss''. Does it mean that I was convicted for the charge and will it appear on my FBI report / background check. Thank You.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Selling beer to minor
With the facts you have given, it appears that your charges were dismissed, but you were assessed court costs (dismissed costs to Defendant as opposed to dismissed costs to State). Court costs can be, and quite often are, more than the actual fines.
To find out if there is a record of this event, I would recommend contacting the OSBI.
I would also recommend making certified copies of the original receipt from the court and keeping a copy in your vehicle, on your person, at your home, and anywhere else you may think prudent.
I hope this was helpful to you.
Now here's my "CYA":
This is not intended to be legal advice. This is in response to a message posted with I have not been retained to represent you regarding any legal matters.
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