Legal Question in Family Law in Oklahoma

I have a 5 week old daughter. The guy who may or may not be her father wants to see her now. He hasnt been around this whole time. He knows he may not be the father but he thinks he is. If he pays child support do i have to let him see her? I don't trust him alone with her. If he signs over his rights will dhs still go after him for child support if i use them for benefits? I don't really know what to do about the situation. I don't want him alone with her but I wouldn't mind her knowing her dad. I don't really care about getting child support even though it would help. I care more about her being safe and happy.

Asked on 12/18/09, 1:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

First of all, if you have reason to believe the health and safety of a child is a risk, it is your responsibility to protect the child.

Secondly, if you have reason to believe that he is not the father, it is recommended that you obtain a court ordered DNA test before addressing the visitation or custody of the child. Afterwards, if he is the father, he can determine if he wants to surrender his parental rights. But, he may not be required to pay child support if this right is relinquished.

Finally, based on your statements it appear that you are the custodial parent. As such, it is not recommended or required that you release the child to the non-custodial parent, particularly one that abandoned the child, without a court order or other legal action.

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Answered on 12/30/09, 12:07 pm

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