Legal Question in Family Law in Oklahoma
If you are a 15 year old boy who gets an 18 year old girl pregnant can the younger boy get emancipated? or will the girl go to jail for rape even though the guy was willing?
1 Answer from Attorneys
By law, the age of consent is usually defined by statute as 16 years. This is the age in which a person is considered legally capable of agreeing to a marriage (with parental consent) or to sexual intercourse.
The 18-year-old falls under the age of capacity or the age of majority and they are looked upon as individuals capable of making decisions or they are looked upon as adults, therefore, there can be legally consequences for his/her actions.
Emancipation usually occur as a surrender by parents; in agreeement between the child and parents or by the operation of the law; if the parent abandons or fails to support the child or the the child gets legally married. Because the 15-year-old do not fall under the age of consent, emancipation is not likely to be a viable option.