Legal Question in Family Law in Oklahoma
Legal problems associated with allowing a 16 y.o. to live with you against wishe
We reported our 16 y.o. daughter as a runaway in May. We learned within weeks she was living with a friend of hers family and was had made some new friends in which she went by a secret name. She said if we made her move home she would run away again and we wouldn't be able to find her. She said this family told her she could stay there as long as she wants, including during the school year. They are a very permissive family with few rules and even allow pot smoking. What kind of legal problems could they be facing as well as my husband and I? We do not agree with this living arrangement but can't make her come home.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Legal problems associated with allowing a 16 y.o. to live with you against w
Call your local DHS and let them handle it.