Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Oklahoma

Legal Question on apartment lease.

I'm having a dispute with the owner of my apartment complex. The issue I am having is one, the contract I signed shows the start and end date of the lease as the exact same date and also the apartment owner let me know before I moved in that there was a pest control problem and if there were any further problems with the pest to let the onsite manager know and they would send out someone to spray. We have let the onsite manager know of the situation on three separate occasions about the continuing pest issue and he said it would be taken care of. Know, the lease shows lessor is the onsite apartment manager and not the owner himself. Is this contract void due to the fact that the lessor is not the person demanding money from me and the fact that I was instructed to let the onsite manager know of pest issue and he has made no contact regarding the issue with the pests being resolved?

Asked on 1/23/08, 12:14 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Legal Question on apartment lease.

There is alot wrong with this situation. First of all the pest situation is a health and safety issue and it should be outlined and attached to the lease (get a copy) stated a condition of tenancy. It should not be a condition after-th-fact, and you should get an understand of the capacity the other person is in this agreement before signing. Secondly, I would not recommend that you sign any agreement that you don't feel comfortable with and this should be one. Do your research about the parties first.

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Answered on 1/23/08, 7:30 pm

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