Legal Question in Personal Injury in Oklahoma

Motorcycle accident

To be blunt, I want to get the largest settlement that I am entitled too. The driver of the car that struck me was citied for the accident and they had insurance verification for the officer.

My injuries ppear to be minor, nothing broken..I am heavily bruised and very very sore...I have very minor road rash because I was very well dressed.

What should I do??

Asked on 2/14/00, 6:51 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Tully Tully Law Firm

Re: Motorcycle accident

Dear Sir:

You pose a very difficult question. However, the main thing that you can do is document what injuries that you do have. Photograph the bruising, and keep a daily diary of your aches and pains. Your question does not indicate whether you sought any medical care. I would assume that an auto/motorcycle accident was pretty ugly and the ambulance personnel came. Additionally, GET CHECKED OUT. Even though there are no broken bones there are still things that doctors can do to make you more comfortable, such as therapy. Therapy can include such things as hot/cold packs and massage therapy.

Another consideration about the value of a claim is where the accident occurred. There are some counties that have more friendly verdicts if the case were to proceed to trial. Other counties are notorious for poor verdicts. This all comes into play when an adjuster is evaluating your claim.

Most attorneys charge 1/3 as a fee of the gross amount collected. At times this may seem high, but usually a decent attorney will make up the difference by increasing the value of your claim.

Lastly, you need to look to other forms of insurance to cover any medical needs that you may have. This will possibly cover your medical bills instead of trying to take settlement dollars to pay them when you are done.

Good luck to you, and let me know if I can assist you in any other way.

Scott Tully

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Answered on 2/17/00, 5:24 pm

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