Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Oklahoma
Never rec'd lease renewal, tenant late on rent
Hi - I've had a tenant in a house in Ok for 3 years now. I asked her if she wanted to renew the lease for another year which was to begin on June 15th, when the old one expired. She agreed, I sent it to her (I'm in Kansas), she said she sent it back with rent several weeks ago, but I never rec'd it. Now she's two weeks late with rent and I think she's avoiding our calls. She said on Monday that she'd overnight the rent, but we never got it, then again yesterday she said she'd overnight it, so now it's Friday and still no rent. What can I do? She's in the house with no current lease agreement, so I have no lease and no rent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Never rec'd lease renewal, tenant late on rent
In Oklahoma,when a lease for a term of years expires without a new lease it will become a month-to-month lease. You have a present right to evict for non-payment of rent. If you are wondering whether you can hold the tenant to a new 1 year lease, it would require a more thorough examination of the facts and the lease agreement.