Legal Question in Insurance Law in Oregon

Policy temination after claim for damage under policy

Insurer notified insured that policy would be terminated in 90 days resulting from prior cliams that indicate future claimes would continue! The major claim was wind damage to roof of commercial bldg. Claims adjuster examined roof with contractor and determined the roof needed total replacement. The only other claims in past were 2 burglaries with less than $1000 claimed; window glass brakage. There are no other forseeable claims in future. Bldg is of 1947 vintage and in excellant condition. Query: Does insurer have the unilateral ability to terminate policy on the basis of prior claims and their "feeling" of potential future claims?

Asked on 1/11/98, 6:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Benjamin Glass Law Offices Benjamin W. Glass & Associates

Insurer cancelled policy

The answer to this question is almost always containedin the policy. Some states may have laws regarding cancellation, but remember that insurance is a business and a matter of contract. If I was an insurance company (and I am not)I should not be forced to cover anyone who wants coverage. Since the insurance industry is, in fact, so competitive, you will probablybe able to find coverage.

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Answered on 1/16/98, 7:08 am

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