Legal Question in Personal Injury in Oregon

Website lists my name as a spammer

There is a website that lists my

name as a spammer (although it's

not me) and also references my

name to a spam email with an

''inappropriate subject.'' (My name is

not common by the way). They are

refusing to remove it, stating that

just because an email address,

company name, or other information

appears on their site, it does not

mean that belong they to a

spammer. They also mention this

''disclaimer'' on their website. The

website in question in one that is

working toward stopping spam, so

their intent is good. But my thought

is why do they have to post this

particular content on their site,

especially after I asked them to

remove it? I am uncomfortable with

the fact that my name is related to

this inapproprate spam as it affects

my name and reputation. Do I have

any recourse? Thank you.

Asked on 8/28/07, 11:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sam Hochberg Sam Hochberg & Associates

Re: Website lists my name as a spammer

I don't know the answer to any of your questions, but I think your situation might more properly be answered by a lawyer who practices computer law or perhaps intellectual property law. The DEX Yellow Pages has some lawyers under that subheading, I believe, under the general heading of "Attorneys."

You may ultimately need to pay for a visit to lawyer who handles these sorts of matters. The only one I can think of offhand is Kohel Haver, whose contact information is available at the website of the Oregon State Bar, which is

Good luck,

-- Sam

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Answered on 8/29/07, 5:54 am

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