Legal Question in Securities Law in Oregon
I'm from oregon and my legal question is my motorhome RV was stored in security first storage unit where it was stolen while I was in wva, I informed police after receiving info of where it was and. Asked police to tow back to storage unit but instead it was impounded at affordable towing where now they have no clue of its where abouts, storage unit won't discuss it, police & victims assistance say case was closed and there was no victim in the case even though camper was driven threw storage fence, I'm out thousands of $ with no answers or help? Is storage,towing,police liable for my lose, I have title-towing bill-police report "PLEASE HELP" AL from oregon "971-388-4009" ""
1 Answer from Attorneys
Both the storage company and the imounding company are liable to you for losing the RV.
I do not handle cases like this, but the law firm of Kafoury McDougal in Portland does. You can reach them at 503-224-2647 or They provide an initial consultation visit for you at no charge, and they usually take cases on a "contingency" basis, which means that you do not have to pay them, unless they succeed in obtaining money for you from the entity that harmed you.
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