Legal Question in Banking Law in Pakistan

a person gave me a cheque for Rs.150,000/-cash and also marked 02 cross lines on left and the cheque is dihonored due to funds insuficient.

what legal action now i can take against the party?

Asked on 10/06/10, 9:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Salman Khan International Lawyer

You can send a legal notice to the party for giving u the said amount and taking the checque back and in default u can threat for a FIR under section 489-F of PPC. You can also perform the same action under verbal threat. If the party does not pay any heed to your verbal or written notice then approach the Thana where the bank of the accused is located and get a FIR registered against him. SImilarly u can file a civil suit under order 37 for the recovery of money.. For more u can consult me at [email protected]


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Answered on 10/07/10, 11:23 am

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