Legal Question in Banking Law in Pakistan

A person opened a proprietorship account in a bank by providing required documents viz CNIC, NTN & Declaration on company letter head that he is sole proprietor of the company. Later on he deposited a cheque of Rs.500,000/- favoring his company name which is got cleared by the bank and amount credited stands withdrawn by him. Now recently another person approached the bank with some police official and showed FIR lodged against the said account holder mentioning that company name has been mis-utilized by him whereas the company actually belong to the later person & some other ( a partnership concern) and cheque deposited by the bank account holder was actually favoring in their company's name which has been fraudulently encashed. Please advise what is the legal position of Bank and whether bank can provide copies of account opening form & other account opening documents to the complainant / police / FIA or they would have to provide Court order to bank for provisioning of required documents.

Asked on 11/26/12, 9:36 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Adnan Bashir A B Choudry Law Firm

court should request them to get an order from the court (search warrant) , where after present those docs in the court through its legal advisor.. that s my suggestion ..

[email protected]

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Answered on 11/27/12, 8:08 am

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