Legal Question in Banking Law in Pakistan

Respected Sir,

I have the honor to write few lines for your favorable and sympathetic consideration:-

That I was Manager of the Branch. It has been claimed by one of the Customer of the Branch that he has Deposited a sum of Rs.46,00,000/- in his account. He handed over the Cash to the Cashier concerned. The Cashier returned counter foil receipt to the customer for Rs. 46,00,000/-. (The Bank�s Rule is that each and every instrument must bear two authorized officers signatures apart from the official stamp and signature of the Receiving Cashier). The other portion of the voucher (i.e. Bank Record) was for Rs.600,000/- and this amount was taken in all the books of the Bank.But that portion of Credit voucher (counterfoil receipt) handed over to the customer was for Rs.46,00,000/- bearing only two signatures. One of which was the cashier concerned and the second is mine.

The Bank conducted preliminary enquiry alleging me that you with the Connivance of the cashier misappropriated the funds and you both pocketed It. Hence you deliberately committed the fraud with the Bank.

I in this enquiry I loudly and written reply said that these are not my signatures.But the Bank referred the case to FIA. The FIA authorities took me in custody for For 15 days for investigation. During the custody of FIA, the FIA authorities get My signatures for verification and send the same to their Head Office at Islamabad for placing the same before the Signature Expert. The Signature Expert opined that the Signatures are forged. After that the Bank authorities Requested the FIA for constitution of Board to confirm and verify the genuiness Of my Signatures. The Board unanimously advised that the signatures are forged.

In the meantime, I have been bailed out from the Banking Court. The case is still Pending in the court due to either reasons i.e. Prosecutor is on leave, Honorable Judge is on leave, Witness not attended the court, Judge has been transferred. I have applied in the court under Section 465-A for quittance which was not Yet heard because the learned counsel has been transferred and no body

Was posted at the seat.

Next date of hearing is in next week.

I shall be very much obliged if you very kindly apprise me any provision in the law for placing the same before the Hon'able Court for exoneration from the case.

My e-mail is [email protected]

Thanking you in anticipation.

Asked on 3/23/12, 3:51 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Salman Khan International Lawyer

Section 465-A doesn't deal with this situation... You may have written it wrong instead of 365-k.. For more do consult me at [email protected]


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Answered on 3/23/12, 4:31 am

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