Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Pakistan

If two people file for patent application for the same invention then interference will be called upon. I know that but in between that course of action, one person asks another for settlement by means of money because he is afraid of losing the patent. But other person does not settle for money rather he incorporates the invention lets say smartphone under an alias and launches it on internet without telling his competitor with whom he is fighting over a patent. So now, as that person introduces the smartphone under an alias, so many knock-offs are produced and that person under an alias makes alot of money because credit goes to him for producing real invention. What will happen to the fight over patent? Will it be issued? If so, then who will win the patent? Remember, patent has not been issued yet because the interference case was adjourned for few days and between those few days, the scenario happened. Please help me understand this. Consider me your younger brother. I know that you won't let me down. Thanks.

Asked on 6/22/12, 10:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Adnan Bashir A B Choudry Law Firm

is there there any prohibitory standing in your favor against your opponent?

you have many remedies in your favor including settlement of account, compensation, damages, and permanent injunction by way of sett off..

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Answered on 9/20/12, 9:07 am

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