Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pakistan
Help required in Case of489f, In previous, accused party has tempered in bank record/cheques by changing signature in minor from which the record received from bank for verification (SS card, 05 cheques) with the consultation of bank & police.FIA reported signature are tempered & subsequently DSP in his inquiry given favour to accused party on the bases of FIA report & further photo copy of receipt provided by acused claiming that his cheque was stolen and applicant has borrowed loan from him in past in front of his two witnesses (both his reletave), here no witnesses of applicant is mentioned on receipt which prepaied by scanning of applicant name on receipt not actual signature nor orignal receipt is available. Applicant pointed out before SP that accused has 04 different accounts in different bank having same signature that is placed in cheque given. two accounts are in same bank where cheque is dishonoured by differ signature, signature of 01 accpont changed/tempered while other is same. SP advised the i/o to collect more record & wrote it in his report that orignal receipt must be presented by accused and he has changed minor signature. My question is about the further verification of record from FIA again or police can add more dafays like 420,468,471 in same FIR/Zamni and arrest the accused directly on both the record previously collected from bank and new record/data both are different, in 1st report record is temperedor there is rule to send again for verification and if in 2nd report signature are mismached again then what strategy should adopt.Please note police/FIA has not yet taken applicant signature or thump impression as specimen. In such case how it will prove that who is involed in tempering. 04 account signatures are same as on affixd on dishounour cheque except the record which whichh was changed. please reply in details covering all aspects.In same bank account holder signature maintain 02 different account having differnt signature in both or some requirement in bank if signature of account holder is dirrer from signature on CNIC national identy card.
1 Answer from Attorneys
bring this story to a judge or advocate u have hired.. plz precise the basics of ur story..
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