Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pakistan
I sold a property i got 15 lac bayana and i transferred property to his name but i kept possession and the deed in which it is written the cheque number and the penalty also which is to cancel the transfer as well as bayana not refundable. Now i filed 489f of cheque dishohour. But the problem is because of the time i had a lot expenses. because i had to but a plot after selling my property that is of 5 lac rs but they didnt pay us the money in time so our bayana is held by the other party so we are in lose is there any way that i can get 5 lac as well??? because of them??
2 Answers from Attorneys
i could not get this 5 lac version of story , explain it . there is miscommunication, you should write your facts in roman character .
U can file a suit for damages but it will take some time.. Consult me for more at
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