Legal Question in Family Law in Pakistan


need ur help to solve my husband sent me notice of "first notice" of divorce...kindly tell me whats the procedure do i get two more divorces in following two months??

he cased conjugal rights but doesnt want to talk on any terms and have his own conditions which are not accepted by me. thanks

Asked on 2/10/12, 9:42 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Adnan Bashir A B Choudry Law Firm

in written statement, state your terms of agreement but those must be reasonable i.e. maintenance, separate house etc...

why your are in hurry to get divorce , just file maintenance suit for Iddah period , or go for judicial separation..

for more .. [email protected]

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Answered on 2/10/12, 10:10 pm
Salman Khan International Lawyer

Intimate the arbitration council regarding this notice.. They will send notice to your husband and they will try to reconcile between you and him. If they fail then it will result in divorce after 90 days.. For more do consult me at [email protected]


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Answered on 2/11/12, 3:27 am

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