Legal Question in Family Law in Pakistan

Legal help for child.

My grand child is a mentaly retarded USA citizen.Her father abandoned her in Pakistan without any support. Her father kept all her travelling documents in his illegal possession.I obtained her duplicate passport from US Counsulate in Karachi.and want to send her to USA for her special education and treatment.

Whether her father is liable for her support .

In which Court should I lodge the application .

Asked on 12/02/08, 2:49 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Nasir Butt Nasir Law Associates

Re: Legal help for child.

Law of Pakistan is not applicable on the US Citizens.

If the father is Pakistani, then he is liable to maintain his minor children but in Pakistan and not abroad. Suit for maintenance lies in Family Court of Pakistan in area of her residence.

A minor cannot be taken out of jurisdiction of Court except to with permission.

Where major person is mentally incapacitated, father is not responsible compulsorily. It becomes social matter rather legal.

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Answered on 12/03/08, 6:39 am
Shoukat Ali Sajidi Prudent Legal Professionals

Re: Legal help for child.

Dear, Sir

There could be several remedies for you as to resend or recustody the child in his father.

you are requested to furnsih below informaiton in order to further evalute your question.

1. the state of US where your son is residing.

2. the relgion/sect of your son.

as the location and religion has vital effect on law of theland.

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Answered on 12/03/08, 12:34 am

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