Legal Question in Administrative Law in Pennsylvania
name change
I am married. I have been using my husbands last name. I now want to use the name I was using before marriage. Must I file certain papers?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: name change
Yes. You must file a name change with the court. You will be required to appear and the judge will question you as to why you want the name change and if you are doing so for any nefarious purpose, such as to attempt to dodge creditors.
If the judge is satisfied he will legally change your name. The forms and instructions for accomplishing this are available on the Pennsylvania or your locality's court Web site. You may also have an attorney do this for you.
As a caution, if you thought changing your name when you got married was a hassle, be prepared for double that effort explaining that you have changed back but that you are still married. In addition, you must go back and change all legal documents with your previous name (e.g. Wills, deeds, registrations, school forms, licenses, bank and investment accounts, mail, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera).
Good luck,
Roger Traversa