Legal Question in Business Law in Pennsylvania

friend wants payment

My husbands best friend of 30 years, and of whom they have done many projects together over the years recently helped us dry wall our bonus room in our house. He has his own construction business, and a few weeks after he was here, he sent us a bill for $900. We thought he was joking, because, not only is it out of character for him to do this, but he never charged us for past projects that they worked on together. They help each other often, and usualy one will buy the other dinner, and a beer, and thats the extent of it. He won't take our calls, just sent us a ''past due'' bill??? Do we legally have to pay? No contract, no verbal anything.

Asked on 4/25/08, 12:14 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Roger Traversa Arjont Group (Law Office of Roger Traversa)

Re: friend wants payment

You asked about paying a bill for a construction job.

Legally I think there is some question as to whether the bill requires payment or not. There are arguments for and against on both sides.

Rather, look at whether you want to save the friendship or not. More than likely the friend's construction business has a taken a downturn with the current economy.

Rather than question the bill see what you and your husband can do to help your friend. My initial reaction is for your husband to go to his house, with the check made out and discuss the matter. he should understand that the friend won't really want to talk about finances, but maybe there is something your family can do to help.

If nothing else works, pay the bill and let that be a warning to you about asking the friend to help with remodeling. Personally, I agree that even friends should be billed for work done. Lawyers would never have any paying clients if we did free work for friends and family. (It's even a common joke that a lawyer's friends and family rate is higher the our regular rate because we know we'll have more headaches dealing with them.)



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Answered on 4/26/08, 1:35 pm

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