Legal Question in Business Law in Pennsylvania

Partnership were one partner is trying to force the other out

I am inquiring on behalf of my mother. Six or Seven years ago, my mother went into a small business venture with my sister-in-law (My brothers wife) At that time, each partner put in 1000.00 for stock in an operating business. They then took out a small business loan to pay off the previous owner. My mother who has always trusted my sister in law, let her handle all taxes. It has always been treated as a 50/50 partnership. My sister-in-law has now decided that she ''can take it no more'' and wants my parents out. She has offered them a nominal fee. She will not be bought out, either as she refuses to leave. She claims to have went to an attorney and that my ''parent do not have a leg to stand on'' that the partnership is 80/20. She has not given my parents a copy of any pertinent information to back up anything. The business is titled in both names. Is there anything that she can do to force my parents out of the business?

Asked on 3/21/04, 1:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Gerald Hershenson Law Office of Gerald M. Hershenson

Re: Partnership were one partner is trying to force the other out

It is very difficult to evaluate this matter without a complete review of all documents and facts. For example, was the business a corporation and was stock ever issued? It appears that your parents have a one half interest. However, I suggest you obtain legal counsel as you will have to do so in any event. Gerald Hershenson Esq. 215-579-9390

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Answered on 3/21/04, 4:08 pm

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