Legal Question in Consumer Law in Pennsylvania

If there is a law suite againest you and you have no money, how do they get their money?

Asked on 7/29/10, 3:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

As you are in Pennsylvania, I asssume that you or a relative will be or has been sued in Pennsylvania. Some states, like Georgia, have wage garnishment and the creditors get their money that way. Other states, like Pennsylvania and North Carolina do not. The creditor first has to get a judgment against you. Once that happens, the creditor can collect on the judgment. The process is called execution. The judgment acts as a lien on real property (land) and personal property (like a car). Although they will not usually try to levy (sell) thosee things if they are encumbered by a mortgage or if you have a car loan, they will go after your bank account. Any amounts over $300 are fair game. The exception is if you get things like an IRA/pension, unemployment or Social Security.

The lien on real property continues for 5 years; for personal property its 20.

If this is your debt and you want to resolve the debt and avoid execution on the judgment in an alternative to bankruptcy, feel free to contact me to discuss your options. I give free email or phone consults of 30 minutes or less.

Rachel Hunter

Attorney at Law


Admitted in GA, PA & NC

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Answered on 8/03/10, 9:36 pm

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