Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Pennsylvania

Broken Lease

In 2000 I moved into a large apartment complex in a part of town I was not familiar with. The apartment was very small yet expensive for me $650 per month. Within the first month I discovered that the apartment was bug infested,housing primarily rent controlled tenants w/a high crime rate. The complex was actually on the news several times for criminal activity while I lived there. I felt it was very unsafe for me and my children.I expressed my concerns to the rent office because I felt they misrepresented the property when I signed the lease. I moved out after the second month. I never heard from them. Now I have an attorneys ofc trying to collect $2600 from me. Is there anything I can do to dispute/resolve this issue?

Asked on 4/09/04, 11:16 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Broken Lease

Yes. Answer the complaint saying that the apartment was not "tenable", which means it was not livable because it was infested and the LL did not or could not remedy the infestation. Also include any other problems you had which may also make it untenable. Hopefully you have your complaints in writing, or at the VERY LEAST you can tell a judge who and when you complained and what their response was.

Things like trash & feces in the halls or other common areas, broken/cracked windows, peeling paint, working plumbng or appliances are things that make an apt untenable.

I'd call the attys after you file your answer, and try to get them to just drop it so you do not have to waste much of your time.

Good luck.

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Answered on 4/09/04, 12:28 pm

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