Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Pennsylvania

Can a city owned utility bill/debtor , such as water sewage and garbage utility seize/ auction/sell my home or put a lien on it for the amount said to be owed? to collect on a bill from 2005-2006 or 2007?. the outstanding amount said to be owed is $2865.65. I have lived at my property for 17 years. I was served a letter by a sheriff from an attorney for the city stating a lien or sale of property for unpaid balance. please help?

Asked on 1/31/11, 6:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Solomon Law Office of Andrew A. Solomon

See a lawyer as soon as possible. The city owned utility can execute or seize your home and put it up for sheriff's sale. I'm, sure a lawyer will be able to work out a payment plan with the utility, which will stay or put off these procedures. You can try it yourself, but I would not recommend it. Any such agreement will require the preparation of appropriate documents, and you and these should be reviewed or prepared by your own lawyer. The only other alternative is to pay off the full amount of back taxes immediately, and the lien can then be removed.

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Answered on 2/02/11, 7:26 pm

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