Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Pennsylvania
What if the defendants last name is wrong on the complaint for a civil case? It is a collection for an unpaid credit card.
2 Answers from Attorneys
If it was served upon you, then it would be a mistake to ignore it. The judgment will be entered if you do nothing.
Contact my firm, or another consumer law firm, for a free in depth case review. You need to have a consumer attorney review the complaint.
I agree with Attorney Artim and only wish to add, is this your debt? Will, a judgment be entered against you?
If this is not your debt and you have been named and served, then get to a lawyer and get this dismissed because the creditor has sued the wrong person.
If this is your debt but the creditor got the name wrong, you do have a moral duty to correct this so that a judgment is entered correctly.
If you do not do so, a judgment will be entered but the creditor will probably have a hard time trying to collect as this person does not exist. Sooner or later the creditor will find out they have the wrong person.