Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Pennsylvania

Is it legal for a sheriff to serve papers for my aunt (not knowing of this relationship) to me despite that i do not live in the residence?

I refused to take the papers and therefore they remained unserved but he said that he was legally allowed to serve them to me if i am over the age of 18 (which i am)and in the house at the time he came and he pressured me (not badly just annoying to me) to take them.

Did i do wrong to not take the papers despite being told by my aunt not to take or sign for anything sent to her because she will soon be going through bankruptcy? I'm completely unsure as to how to handle this if he should come when i am here again as i do housework here on a daily basis even when she is not here. Any answer would be appreciated.

Asked on 11/18/10, 2:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Its not a crime, but if you are an adult in charge of the home, the sheriff can leave papers there for your aunt. Next time, take the papers, regardless of how annoying you find it to be.

If your aunt is filing bankruptcy, then any lawsuits will be stopped once she files. Refusing the papers will not affect things.

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Answered on 4/07/11, 9:20 am

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