Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Pennsylvania

in pennsylvania, if my wife has a car in her name and I have been sued and lost, can my wife's car be taken as payment? My name and hers was on the loan agreement but the car is paid in full. The car has always been registered in her name and the owners card contains her name only as the owner.

Asked on 1/30/11, 12:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

You do not indicate who sued you and for what. Generally, a wife is not liable for debts just in her husband's name and vice a versa. However, the wife might be liable if this comes under the doctrine of necessaries (necessaries are things like food, clothing, shelter and medical care).

You do need to get this resolved. Please contact my office if you would like my assistance.

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Answered on 2/02/11, 9:32 am

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