Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
Bench Warrent
there is a bench warrent out for myself and my fiance because we missed a court date that we never knew we had and we have no idea what to do now.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Bench Warrent
Each coutny in PA has their own system of lifting/removing bench warrants. Usually, the warrant is lifted and you are given a subpoena for a new court date. However, the Judge has the power to increase your bail or set new bail in your case. Therefore, you could get locked-up until someone comes witht the money to get you out of jail. You may wish to contact a local bailbondsman within your county and ask them the procedure. Obviously, the more serious the charges, your prior record, and your prior bench warrants, the greater the chance that bail could be increased.
You could also call the clerk at the court of common pleas in your county and ask them how to do it. If you do this, they could search your phone line and come out and pick you up, so be ready to turn yourself in asap if you choose this route.
This is really a local question, so check with someone in your county.
Good Luck. Feel free to email or call. Brian.
Re: Bench Warrant
This is a pretty serious matter. You can be arrested at any time you are stopped, show your ID to state personnel, or the police can come get you. However, it's not that hard to fix. We can help out, feel free to call our offices:
Law Offices of Daniel L. Cevallos, P.C.
Attorney & Counselor At Law
1420 Locust Street, Ste. 24Q
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Cell: 917.699.5008
Ph: 267.639.3105
Fx: 215.689.4375
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