Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
Criminal Case
I tried to bring in a bag of weed (a misdemeanor) and tobacco into my boyfriend in jail, (a felony 2). This is my first offence. I live in Philadelphia Pa and am where the offence had taken place. I got out on an ROR, and can't afford a lawyer. Or at least not up front, I was assigned a public defender. What is most likely going to be my charge? And what is the maximum and minimum I can get on this case?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Criminal Case
I know people made silly mistakes, and odten the penalties seem disproportionate to the mistake, but PLEASE!!! This is not a mistake, this was just plain STUPID! You took weed into a jail! You HAD to know that is the same as asking them to lock you up and keep you!?!?!? You have an attorney, ask your attorney, but unless you have Down's Syndrome AND your boyfriend has Glaucoma, you are looking at jail time. This is a 2nd drgee felony, so you are looking at upto 10 years I think. Where did you 'stash' the stash? Unless it was in a body cavity, you have a 99.9% chance of them finding it! If it was in a body cavity or cleverly hidden, it shows you knew it was prohibited, and intent and put significant thought in how to smuggle it in, so you won't get any sympathy... Even if this is a first offense, you can not blame a judge for not throwing you in jail... if for no other reason than to make sure you don't try to go smuggle your boyfriend a nachette or a gun next time! HOW could do something SO stupid!!! Unless you are real cute, real dumb, and seem unbelieveably manipulated and controlled, so you can get sympathy from a typically jaded prosecutor, and a sympathetic judge, I expect you will go to jail. Go to the public defender, do what you are told, plead stupidity and pray for sympathy. In the future, PLEASE think before you do things, you HAVE to know this was wrong, you HAVE to know there is a significant chance you will get caught, and you can NOT rely upon the grace fo God to protect you frm detection and prosecution.
Re: Criminal Case
OK, I know you know this is a serious problem you've gotten into. I hate to tell you that the felony 2 has a sentence range of more than 5 years, but I think I can help you in this situation.
It seems like you are asking for a payment plan. Why don't we meet and discuss one? Please write back to
Re: Criminal Case
I think the weed is a Felony 2. That's a maximum of 10 years. After that the misdemeanor is an afterthought.
You're entitled to a Public Defender.
My question is why did you think taking drugs to a prison was a good idea?
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