Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
criminal law
husband charged with burglury although he didnt steal just entered without permission was charged with burglury and some other charge that makes him a felon he was scared and never dealt with an attorney before so plead guilty.He has never been arrested before and has no prior record..he is 48 .He was sentenced in jan08 2 yrs until parole is there any other case like this? can we see about house arrest? can we appeal? hes been in 7 months so far and has work there anything we can do? We had an attorney who told him to plead guilty, then quit on us said we couldnt appeal there was nothing more he could do is this true??
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: criminal law
There is always something I can try.... What county are we talking about? The best thing I can do is to learn about him and see if we can convince the Judge to set him "free". I have 17+ tears of experience in criminal matters, so if anything can be dome, I'll do it.
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