Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
My daughter went to her friends house without my knowledge for two days. The police were called and now I am getting a fine of $450.00 for disorderly conduct(She is 11 years old.)The police were very unhelpful, in fact the cop who took the call didn't even file the report that night. They only seemed to get involved when we contacted the local newspaper and they themselves went to the police station. I know what she did was wrong and was an inconvenience, although I don't know how much for the police.(by the way it was me who ended up finding her) The part that really gets me , is that the cop also added the remark that she is a chronic runaway. I have never had to call the police before because of this. The cop did ask if she has ever done this before and I said" a couple of times but not to this extent". I definately would not classify this as chronic. Just for this reason I feel like I/she should plead not guilty, because this is not accurate. Should I fight this? First I have to have that horrible feeling of having a missing child and now I am getting stuck with a $$450.00 fine . I am a single mother and do not have this kind of money.
1 Answer from Attorneys
You should definitely fight it--You might be eligible for a Public Defender
Sounds like your daughter could use some counseling...
If you would like representation and if you are in the Allentown area, I would be glad to help you and would give you a reduced fee....Call me at 215 732 4000 to discuss is my site
[email protected] is my e mail
If we went to a hearing at the local district justice, we could probably get some ideas and guidance from the local district justice....
I hope everything works out for you.....
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