Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

i was let go from my job for inconsistant checkouts and filed unemployment ang got it,then two weeks later notified by state p[olice that i was being charged with unlawful use of a computer that my employer changed there mind talked to state police and said there wrong they charged me later on my unemp[loyment stopped and i lost my new job because of this and had to cash in 401k and life insurance to pay a lawyer to represent me was fingerprinted and picture taken whent to a preliminary hearing and won judge was mad at the police for filing when there was no evidance and at my employer because this was felony charges i am a student and almost lost my funding schooling and lost my position as student embassadoe my reputation was ruined because it was in all the pepers and on radio and there was a blog what can i do about getting my money im out of back and can i sue if anything?

Asked on 3/31/10, 11:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Charles A. Pascal, Jr. Law Office of Charles A. Pascal, Jr.

If what you say is accurate, it sounds to me as if you may have a case against the police and the employer. These are very fact-specific type cases, and an attorney would have to look at the evidence that the police had, etc., to see if it would likely be successful. Was there a transcript of the preliminary hearing? Would like to speak with you about this further if you would like. Email me if you wish.

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Answered on 4/05/10, 8:33 pm

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