Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
Juvenile Law
My daughter turned in boys that broke into our neighbors house and now the detective is telling me my daughter needs to be brought back in for more questioning. The boys are stating that she was involved--this is after they confessed, and they knew who turned them in. Detective is stating if she doesn't confess he will arrest her. She adamantly states that she was never there without permission of the neighbor, she is friends with them. I am concerned that the dective is basing this on statements by boys who were arrested because of my daughter and are mad at her for turning them in. Please let me know if I should have an attorney present during questioning. Can she be charged/arrested based on statements under these circumstances. How worried do I need to be?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Juvenile Law
This sounds like it is verging on the serious...I would talk with an attorney to be safe.
What county are we talking about? Please write back to
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