Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania
Prosecutor's star witness
The only evidence the prosecutor has against me in my criminal case is one witness who is currently in jail. How will this hold up in court? Will he show up in a jumpsuit or will the jury know hes in jail. Is it possible to supress his testimony because he's a criminal with a long crminal record?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Prosecutor's star witness
You have asked many different questions, so lets go one at a time:
1. How will this hold up in court? Thats up to the jury. The jury can decide to give the testimony a lot of weight, little weight, or no weight. Its up to them. The worse the testimoney, hopefully the less they beleive, but no one can predict what is inside the juries head.
2. Will he show up in a jumpsuit, will they know he is in jail? They will know he is in jail regardless of his clothes because a grounds for impeachment of a witness is bias. By that i mean the jury will know that he is currently locked up. Your lawyer can better explain this to you.
3. Can you supress his testimony? No.
If this did not answer your question or if you have any further questions, please feel free to call or email. Good Luck.