Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

I was recently accused of false rape of a minor. The supposed "Victim" who is 17 was forced to lie by her aunt and mom who I was taking to court for back rent they both owed me. They figured that if I was arrested then I would drop the issue with them. I am innocent and therefore they have no evidence and the "victim" even refuses to testify. When I was arrested I was denied a lawyer and told to wait tll after I was questioned. My bail was set at $100k and the magistrate refused to lower it considering I was not a flight risk. I wasn't even allowed to have an attorney there to negotiate bail for me. My reputation is now ruined and i had to spend alot of money for bail and a lawyer. I feel the magistrate wasn't reasonable and the cops didn't do their job thoroughly enough to find the lies which were easy to point out. I wanted to know if I can sue the state for denying me my rights and false imprisonment. I am afraid to leave my house now since I've been threatened and I feel like everyone looks at me like a monster. I am looking to retain a good attorney too. Thanks

Asked on 2/06/10, 11:00 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Charles A. Pascal, Jr. Law Office of Charles A. Pascal, Jr.

You cannot sue the judge, but under the right circumstances, it is possible to sue for false arrest.

These cases are very fact specific, so we would have to look at the facts of your arrest. I would be willing to look at it and give you my opinion.

Feel free to email me.

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Answered on 2/11/10, 11:16 pm

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