Legal Question in Criminal Law in Pennsylvania

Tampering with a witness

My brother who was arrested on a felony theft charge, recently went before a judge in a local county. My older son who I haven't had a relationship for many years is testifying for the detective to incremadate my brother further. I am personally not involved in this case however, any person that I speak with in regards to this case, my son tells people that he is going to take any information to the detective and judge that I'm tampering with a witness. This county judge, is all in cohoots with the detectives. What can I do at the primlinary hearing if the judge decides to have me locked up for tampering with a witness. This is my son and this is a family situation that has gone on for many years. Should my son be allowed to continue bringing this up in court. Afther all this has nothing to do with my brothers case but my son is turning it inot that?

Thank you, any assistance you could afford, would be greatly appreciated.

Asked on 7/17/07, 12:52 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Brian Zeiger Levin & Zeiger LLP

Re: Tampering with a witness

A lawyer can only represnt one person in a matter. Because you wrote the email, i will only respond to your situation. You can be charged with a crime if you do ANYTHING to prevent a witness from testifying in court or destroying ANY evidence in any case. If you supply any information to the police in anyway it will hurt your brother in the long run, so stop talking and wait until there is a trial. Then and only then will get your chance to talk about this case.

If you want to hire a lawyer for yourself or your brother, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 215.825.5183. Good Luck.


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Answered on 7/18/07, 10:40 am

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