Legal Question in DUI Law in Pennsylvania

2nd underage offense

Is there anyway to get out of losing my liscense for a year or even going on my record? this is my second underage drinking offense. I am going to school to be a teacher and I'm worried I won't get hired if I have this on my record.

Asked on 11/19/07, 11:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Douglas Sughrue Attorneys Crosby & Sughrue

Re: 2nd underage offense

You have to challenge it. Plead not guilty and request a hearing. These cases often depend on eyewitness accounts of the police officer(s) and your statements, i.e., if you admitted to drinking alcohol. Hire an experienced attorney so that they can challenge the matter or resolve it by community service etc...if available. Sometimes the Police are willing to change the nature of the citation so that you will not suffer a license suspension.

If you are going to school to be a teacher and you are worried that this may affect your ability to become one, then you need to worry about that prior to actually drinking. Worrying about it after your are caught is too late. Overall, underage drinking is still a summary level offense, so it should not affect your ability to pass the clearence check. However, use of alcohol & ability to refrain from drinking will make it harder for you to get and maintain a job. Go to a few AA meetings to get a feel for how alcohol changes peoples lives. It will also look good to the judge & cop.

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Answered on 11/20/07, 1:08 pm

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