Legal Question in DUI Law in Pennsylvania
dui, possesion charges
prior to this i've had an underage drinking charge and now i am being charged with a dui, possesion of small amout of marijuana possession of a controlled substance and speeding....the marijuana charge is for marijuana cigarette buts and the controlled substance was one antidepressent...what kind of penalties and options would i have if i am convicted
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: dui, possesion charges
If convicted you would have to serve some required minimum sentences. However, there may be a way to get into some type of pretrial program that could greatly reduce your sentence, like ARD (though that might not be available due to your prior underage). Let me know if you would like to talk further about this. I can be reached at the email below or by calling me. the number is on the web at spanovichlaw com