Legal Question in DUI Law in Pennsylvania

time untill charged with a dui

friend was drinking and in a car accident on oct 3rd 2006.

he was then taken to the hospital for a week. after he was released, he met with the cop who told hiim he would check the hospital records at the end of november for his alcohol level and he would be contacted in january. he still hasnt heard anything and his level was positive. how long untill they can no longer charge him with a dui?

Asked on 2/26/06, 4:44 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Charles A. Pascal, Jr. Law Office of Charles A. Pascal, Jr.

Re: time untill charged with a dui

2 years.

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Answered on 2/27/06, 12:52 am

Re: time untill charged with a dui

Mr. Pascal already stated there is a 2 year look-back period. Two other comments - 1) "let sleeping dogs lie", and 2) worry AFTER you know there is something to worry about.

Actually, I have a thinrd thing to say... See that your friend gets help so he does not drink and drive again. I hope one one else was hurt. Personally I can accept the consequences of my actions if I hurt myself, but I would have trouble living with hurting someone else.

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Answered on 2/27/06, 11:57 am

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