Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
disillusionment due to abandonment
My husband and I split up 4 years ago and never had a legal separation. Now that I am ready to go ahead with the divorce, he has moved to pennsylvania and did not leave a forwarding address. Can I get an uncontested dissolution without his signature? Or do I need to file for abandonment.
Thank you
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: disillusionment due to abandonment
You can pursue a divorce action against your husband, but a dissolution requires both parties to agree to the end of the marriage. In a divorce action, an attempt to serve notice on you husband must be made. If he can't be located, there are means to satisfy notice by publication/posting. Abandonment and living apart for a year are legitimate grounds for divorce in Ohio. If you are interested in talking about this in greater detail, call me at 513-563-3003.
Disclaimer: this message is for general information only and does not create an attorney-client relationship between us. Only a signed contract can accomplish that.
Re: disillusionment due to abandonment
You can not obtain a dissolution without the other parties presence. In your situation it would appear that you would have to file for divorce and serve him by publication. It would be my advise to get an attorney involved as service of process(service of the divorce papers) of your soon to be ex may get tricky.