Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania

Domestis Relations

My wife and I seperated last year and she filed for child support. When our 2 children were born my wife who was my girlfriend at th time was on Access. They paid for the birth. Now that I'm paying child support Domestic Relations says that I'm responsible for paying for the birthing expences even though we were together when they were born. They took my income tax return and my stimulas check this year to pay towards the medical bills I owe instead of giving it to my wife for back child support. Is it really true that I have to pay for the birthing expences and why would that money of not gone to my wife.

Asked on 7/09/08, 12:20 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

John Davidson Law Office of John A. Davidson

Re: Domestic Relations

Yes its true.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The initial consultation is free.


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Answered on 7/09/08, 8:53 am

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