Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
Giving up Custody rights & Choices
I recently learned of a 'past girlfriend' of 2 months ago, was pregnant with what i'm sure is my child. We still email / verbally talk to one another & are one civil terms at this time, but no hope resides in ever living together or getting married. With that, my choice is not to have the child & her's is 'I'm against that thought of abortion or giving up foradoption'.
Being a professional manager & engineer myself, I can show financially, neither of us are capable of affording another child without drastically affecting my 2 other dependants (ages 20 months & 3 years), the house i own & life i live, and her 1 other child & the small two bedroom rental trailer they're in.
I am seeking options & advice how to proceed, based on my reasons for not wanting the child both financially or physically, for the sake of my other children. Can I choose the option to waive my rights to the child upon birth and if so, am I still obligated to support financially that child that is no longer legally mine? Would it be the same as simply giving the child up for adoption for me?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Giving up Custody rights & Choices
You asked about disclaiming a child.
Wow, can engineers come up with the most emotionally divorced reasoning. We're talking Asbergers Syndrome emotionality here.
No, there is no possible way you can have any input or take any position regarding the birth of a child unless it is in your womb.
You cannot in any way shape or form remove yourself from the requirement of support for your child. The mother can in fact seek contribution from you for any prenatal care and support if required.
If the child were to be adopted by another then and only then would a father be able to disclaim his obligations. Until that time then the biological father is responsible for the financial support of the child even if he is unwilling or unable to provide emotional support.
Please get over this reasoned position you have and welcome the child into the world.