Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
My husband left and moved half way across the country to live with another woman. Can I file "abandoment" and "adultry" charges in PA? He has only paid $60 in 'child support' since he left 3 months ago. We have 4 children.
Asked on 8/04/10, 5:50 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Dustin Cole
Cole Law, LLC
"Abandonment" and "adultery" are fault based grounds for divorce in Pennsylvania. While a person can file for divorce based on fault grounds, it is more common for one to obtain a no-fault divorce.
You mention he has only paid $60 in child support. Is there a child support order in place? Also, based on the fact that you have four children, it would seem that custody would be a major issue in the divorce proceedings. I would need to speak further with you to accurately answer your question.
Answered on 8/17/10, 1:30 pm