Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
what is my live in boyfriend entitled to
I bought my house 10 yrs ago. It is in my name only. Can my 4 year live in botfriend take it or will I owe him $ if we split up? He did alot of improvements to it. Will I owe him money? I didnt know him when I bought my house, I met him 4 years later.
Asked on 7/14/08, 9:58 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
John Davidson
Law Office of John A. Davidson
Re: what is my live in boyfriend entitled to
You might owe him for the improvements or you might not. Does he have records of what he spent? Is there any agreement that said you would pay him for the improvements?
I don't think he has grounds for asking for the property. That's just my opinion based on your facts.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The initial consultation is free.
Answered on 7/14/08, 10:35 am