Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
Medical Insurance
My husband and I are having difficulties in our marriage. He has found the support from a woman in the local fire department. If we seperate or even divorce what are the laws of the health insurance carrier? Are you liable to carry insurance on the family until the divorce in final, just a legal seperation is done, or until the other party has gotten their own insurance?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Medical Insurance
Parents are obligated to provide insurance for their children. The parent with the best access to medical coverage will be obligated and will receive credit toward child support. A spouse may be covered until the entry of a divorce decree.
Once parties separate, if there is any questions about his paying support or maintaining insurance, you should file a Complaint in Domestic Relations. There is no cost for this and the forms are very self-explanatory. A hearing will then be scheduled to determine the amount he must pay. But you are only entitled to support form the date you file, so you must not delay.
You should speak to an attorney about your options and obtaining a divorce. Feel free to call or E-mail me on a free initial basis.