Legal Question in Family Law in Pennsylvania
im in the middle of a divorce. no papers have been signed for child custody divorce or support. i was trying to be nice seeing i was the one who asked for the divorce in the first place. i didn't want to take him to court . he wouldn't let me work while we where together and i didn't drive, never got my license as a teen and he was afraid if i drove id leave him. he was paying on the house bills for me and my son until i could get on my feet and i just started a second job to try and support me and my son. and now hes saying hes going to kick me out of the home. nothing in the house is in my name, he wouldnt " allow" it. i offered to move out when we separated and he chose to leave instead im still really young and have no experience with all this stuff. now hes trying to keep my son for longer and longer visits and not allowing my son to see his grandparents(my side) with out a huge fight. i keep putting my foot down and keep allowing my parents to take him. but the harassment is getting ridiculous and i dont know what to do. its not enough for a restraining order but it is causing me and my son a lot of stress. is there any advice you could give me? anything i can do. thank you!
1 Answer from Attorneys
You should be asking your attorney for advice as you indicate you are in the middle of a divorce, I assume you are represented if not obtain an attorney. If you have one he should be able to answer your questions.